I’m Baaaccckkk!

I have been remiss in blogging here for quite some time. I have just recently had to move VPS sites for this site due to extreme rate increases for hosting where I have been hosting for years!

I have been pretty busy.

I joined a convoy that went from California to Washington DC. We all met in Adelanto, California in February of 2022 and started our trek to Washington DC.

There weren’t 10 bridges all the way to DC that did not have people on them. In Amarillo, TX they were lined up along the highway for almost 10 miles!

We met with Congress to tell our stories and to inform them of what REAL Americans wanted, and NOT what the administration wanted us to do.

While in DC, myself and 5 others met with Senators and Congressmen in the Capitol building.

We informed them that the United States of America is a country of LAWS and not Mandates, and that we wanted all the Mandates to end!

We wanted them to push to end the “State of Emergency” that the United States was under.

We reminded them that:

After meeting with Senators and Congressmen in DC, and speaking one-on-one with Senator Cruz for a bit, where he told me “DON’T STOP FIGHTING RON”. I returned home to Reno, NV and started organizing a walk across the United States to try to increase awareness to the issues we all faced (and still face to this day).

I started walking from Carson City, NV at the Nevada State Capitol building on July 2, 2022 bound for our U.S. Capitol Building in Washington DC.

I walked from Carson City to Eureka, NV and decided that I was NOT trying to prove I could walk every step to DC. I was walking, to meet people and inform, educate and unite them. To have them join me where they could!

So, I would jump across the vast empty desert and open areas to the towns and cities and get people to walk with me into the town or city, then hold a rally.

At that same time that I was walking, James Topp was walking across Canada to bring awareness to Vaccine injuries caused by the jabs.

James and I were in communication with each other and even had a live stream panel together.

I was on many news and social interviews along the way like, Radio Stations, Newspapers, Wendy Bell Radio (twice), Mike Lindell, FLCCC and others.

Trying to spread the word!

I had to turn around when I reached Terre Haute, Indiana and head home in November. I had to have surgery on my shoulder and knee. Since the 2022 elections had just happened, I could not see any way to have changes made in DC since the 117th Congress was a lame duck.

The 118th Congress had passed a bill to end the state of emergency early in the year 2023 and it also passed the Senate. Biden signed the resolution ending it on May 11, 2023.

We have been seeing our country destroyed over the last 3 years. Illegal immigration is off the hook! And we have been losing our freedoms and liberties one at a time. So, the fight STILL continues to keep our GOD given rights that are represented in our Constitution!